Book of Ezekiel and the Restoration of Israel (Part 1)



Establishment of the state of Israel in 1948

 Christians who support the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 often quote Ezekiel's prophecies. The point is, should Christians rejoice that a significant biblical prophecy is fulfilled by this historic political event?  It would be helpful for all of us who identify as Christ's witnesses to research the context in which Ezekiel wrote his predictions and their significance.

I'm pleading with everyone to understand the fundamentally God-centered message of Ezekiel rather than using a single or a couple of verses as proof texts. During the turbulent time that followed Israel's exile to Babylon in 597 B.C., Ezekiel prophesied. Jehoiachin, who was eighteen years old, was one of the exiles, and the Babylonians had placed his uncle, Zedekiah, in control of Jerusalem as a puppet ruler. Ezekiel's prophecies were not limited to his fellow exiles in Babylon; they also reached Judah's survivors. God is portrayed in Ezekiel as being entirely holy.  His chosen people are not to degrade him in any manner. Ezekiel simultaneously exalts the Lord for his extraordinary love and mercy. Even though his people have been unfaithful,

Does Israel reduce God's holiness to their level?

The terror attack by Hamas on civilians in Negev took place on October 7, 2023. It was the last day of the feast of the Tabernacles celebrated by the Jews to remember God's provision in the wilderness and also to look ahead to that promised Messianic age when all nations will flow to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.

Having inaugurated the messianic age through his incarnation, Jesus gradually revealed his identity during his public ministry. St John in his Gospel Chapter 7:37ff writes about what Jesus revealed at the celebration of the feast of Tabernacles: On the last day, that great day of the feast of Tabernacles, we receive a new revelation from Jesus about the meaning of the feast of Tabernacles: Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Streams of living water will flow from within him." While keeping these words in mind, let’s move over to the Supernova festival held on October 7, 2023, in Negev. How do the weekend-long outdoor psychedelic trance music festival and its activities match with the original meaning of the feast of the Tabernacle and the invitation of Christ to believe in him? Certain reports say that some attendees were under the influence of alcohol and drugs, which heightened their confusion and fear. Isn’t this evidence for us that the modern state of Israel has deviated from the Old Testament Teaching on the Feast of Tabernacles and is attempting to reduce the holiness of God to their level?

There is another grave mistake that some Christians are making today. They attempt to justify the establishment of the modern state of Israel and the senseless war using the prophecies of Ezekiel. This is misleading people to trust in the current political leadership of Israel and their weaponry power. It replaces the trust in God’s rightful rule. When examining the scriptures we see how God’s chosen people rejected the role of judges, whom God had given for Israel. Instead, they demanded a king like the other nations. Look at the following warning given by God as recorded in 1 Samuel 8:10-17: These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen to run before his chariots, and he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some to plough his ground and to reap his harvest, and make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots… - God forewarned that a king will always want militaristic power! Isn’t this what the modern state of Israel is famous for? The false security built on Israel’s modern military power i.e. iron dome, replaces the only solid refuge in God. 1 Samuel 8:7 reveals that sometimes God permits institutions that are not part of his eternal purpose, and the king of Israel is one of the most glaring examples. Today the state of Israel calls itself a secular state and not a God honuring religious state. The history of the Israelite monarchs reveals that except for a select few like David, who brought people closer to God, nearly every other monarch has brought them farther away. This is also the reality of the modern state of Israel today.

Did the establishment of Israel in 1948 fulfil Biblical prophecy by 'restoring' the Jewish people to their land?

This is usually based on Ezekiel chapter 37 which is about the valley of dry bones. At the instruction of the Lord, Ezekiel prophesied to the dry bones and the spirit of the Lord came upon the dry bones and they became alive. The vital question is, is this prophecy yet to be fulfilled, or has it already been fulfilled by events in history? According to Daniel 9:2, Daniel understood from reading Jeremiah (25:1-12) that there would be 70 years of judgment, and then the repentance and restoration of Israel would take place. This is the restoration promised to God’s people in Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones. This historical restoration of Israel took place during the times of Prophets Ezra and Nehemiah who were responsible for the rebuilding of the nation.

Prophet Ezra records that Cyrus the King of Persia issued a proclamation that any of the exiles who wished to return to Jerusalem were set free to go! Ezra 1: 1-3. Whatever had appeared unattainable for years was now achievable since the 70 years of judgment was over. In Ezra 8:31, he bears witness that "the hand of our God was upon us," which is why they returned to Jerusalem. The military might get no credit when the Israelites return from their exile. The restoration prophesies were conditional on obedience, as demonstrated in Ezra 9:9–10. Ezra and the others did not think that their inheritance gave them ownership of the property by default! Instead, spiritual fidelity to God was the main emphasis.

Prophet Nehemiah claims he gained the king's favour, who not only let him travel back to Jerusalem but also provided him with letters that would have protected him. Upon his return to Jerusalem, the restoration of ancient Jerusalem's walls was not brought about by rebellion and warfare.  He also instituted extensive moral and liturgical reforms in restoring and rededicating the Jews to their God.

Nehemiah resorted to prayer when he was threatened by the surrounding people while rebuilding Jerusalem's walls (Nehemiah 4:4). As a careful precaution, he placed armed men, but he promised them that "Our God will fight for us." (Psalms 4:20). When Nehemiah discovered that certain Jews were taking advantage of their less fortunate brethren, he rebuked them, urging them to fear God and do the right thing. He made it very plain that "may God shake out each man from his house and from his property who does not perform this promise" if they did not turn from their sins. (1–13 Nehemiah 5:1)Nehemiah did not adhere to an unqualified land pledge, just like Ezra did. When Ezra read aloud from the Book of Law, "everyone's ears were pricked” The people are assembled, fasting, and dressed in sackcloth, and they are confessing their sins as well as the collective wrongdoing of their people over an extended period in Nehemiah 9. They renewed their commitment to serving God (Nehemiah 9:36) and admitted that God had appropriately punished them for their immorality (Nehemiah 9:33). Once more, as the Bible demands, the people confess their sins and turn to God - Nehemiah Chapter 13.

It is now clearly evident that Ezra and Nehemiah brought about the historical restoration of the Israelites as predicted by Ezekiel. While the Bible tells us that historical fulfilment has taken place, we still need to study the Bible to find out how the spiritual fulfilment of Ezekiel's prophesy occurs while we wait for Christ to return to gather his faithful disciples. I'll write regarding this in my next post (Part 2).

Rev. Asiri P. Perera
Retired President Bishop
Methodist Church Sri Lanka

November 21, 2023



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