Book of Ezekiel and the Restoration of Israel (Part 1)
Establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 Christians who support the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 often quote Ezekiel's prophecies. The point is, should Christians rejoice that a significant biblical prophecy is fulfilled by this historic political event? It would be helpful for all of us who identify as Christ's witnesses to research the context in which Ezekiel wrote his predictions and their significance. I'm pleading with everyone to understand the fundamentally God-centered message of Ezekiel rather than using a single or a couple of verses as proof texts. During the turbulent time that followed Israel's exile to Babylon in 597 B.C., Ezekiel prophesied. Jehoiachin, who was eighteen years old, was one of the exiles, and the Babylonians had placed his uncle, Zedekiah, in control of Jerusalem as a puppet ruler. Ezekiel's prophecies were not limited to his fellow exiles in Babylon; they also reached Judah's survivors. God is portraye...