In the Farming world, Sheep stealing is considered a crime. A Farmer who has had 25 sheep stolen from his flock described his pain as follows: "When you find they have been stolen it's heartbreaking because even though you don't know everyone, you do know your own sheep. It just adds to the hardship of shepherding, if you get a couple stolen from a big herd you can absorb it, but if you've only got a few, it can be serious and it can put you out of sheep-keeping." When reflecting on these words, my thoughts went over to the shepherd in the parable of the lost sheep. Though the lost sheep was not stolen, there was the heart of the Good Shepherd crying and going out for the one lost sheep. Further reflection on the whole experience of sheep-stealing prevalent in the church, made me realize no Pastor is free from the pain of losing the sheep. This is a bone of contention between pastors and denominations which sadly is causing conflicts and disunity in the body of Christ. This is why I call it "Sheep stealing syndrome".

Has the church growth movement caused sheep stealing?

How to grow a church has become a dominant theme of the modern church. It is a fact that the church growth movement has suddenly produced "Mega Churches". The growth of numbers in a particular church is often been described by its members as "we belong to the fastest growing church". When promoting Church growth we all need to accept the fact that the Lord of the Church was very clear in saying "I will build my Church". "God gives the growth" was St. Paul's belief and experience which he described in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth". However, what is not understood by many is "church growth does not always mean "getting more people in" – I make no excuse for those who do not seek to win people for Christ. Church growth also means doing more for people outside the Church; equipping the few in the Church to reach out to those outsides through evangelism, social justice and pastoral interventions.

While there is so much to be appreciated and learnt from the Church growth movement, there is also a foremost question to be raised and answered as to how the growth of numbers have taken place. Has the numerical growth taken place purely as a result of evangelism among the non-believers? This has to be answered by each denomination honestly. I am afraid, there will be no denomination that could "cast the first stone"! "Church growth should reflect the number of unsaved and unchurched people coming to the Lord for the first time".

How does sheep-stealing take place?  

What I write here is not by reading books or hearsay, but by what I have seen with my own eyes and experienced. Why do people leave their Churches and join another?

A basic need of a church member would be to seek and receive good pastoral care. When this is not met by one's church in a satisfactory manner, it often becomes the point where the pastor of another Church intervenes. Can the pastor of the person's church take offence at this? The disciples of Christ in all ages and times are called to be vigilant for those who are starved and thirsty. As Jesus said such people are "harassed and helpless sheep without a shepherd." If such a person is knocking at the door of another church how can the pastor of that church keep the door closed?

The poor quality of the pasture a church provides to the sheep do precipitate sheep stealing. In Sri Lanka, over the last thirty, forty years the drawing of sheep from one church to another largely happens due to the whole realm of Worship and Preaching. Some say the more traditional mainline churches have lost large numbers of their sheep because there is attractive and vibrant music, worship and preaching. It is good for each denomination to look inwardly and see what is lacking in one's pen, make necessary changes than to find fault with the sheep pen that attracts the sheep of your fold. In recent times in Sri Lanka, we are also experiencing those who went to greener pastures suddenly abandoning their fold because there is better pasture elsewhere. Those who once stole or received sheep from another fold into their fold are now losing them because so-called prophets who became heartthrob was into all kinds of gimmicks. This did considerable damage to both main and non-mainline churches because of the stealing of sheep.


 Are we guarding our sheep?

While feeding and caring for the sheep is the responsibility of a faithful shepherd, they are also called to keep watch and guard the sheep against all harm that could come upon them

One of the learnings that I have had in this situation is the reality of what Jesus spoke in Matthew 24 Jesus answered them, "See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. ...". If sheep-stealing is happening, we who have been appointed as shepherds must know that there could be an attempt to lead our sheep astray. Rather than seeking to blame and accuse each other as sheep stealers, it is our duty not to leave room for those who get hold of our sheep and lead astray. It is the responsibility of the shepherd to guard the faith of the sheep. It is my observation that some of the sheep under our care are more interested in seeing miracles, wonders, receiving prophecies, healing and preaching that is soothing in their ears. Much of the Church hopping by the sheep takes place on this plane. I believe there is a Biblical mandate for all this, but the same is used by the "wolves in sheep's clothing" to trap and keep the sheep in bondage and lead astray. Therefore a true shepherd has to guard his sheep by depositing the faith with good teaching ahead of time with warnings, to be vigilant of false prophets and shepherds. During my visits to churches, I used to glance through the Chapel register to see how the preaching has gone on. I have to admit that there was less preaching and teaching to guard and protect the flock from false shepherds who could lead them astray


What can we do with those who are determined to leave the flock?

The painful experience of an actual farmer losing his sheep was quoted at the beginning of this article – "When you find they have been stolen it's heartbreaking". This is also true with all of us pastors who lose our sheep. In John 6:60 we meet Jesus who went through a similar experience – "From that time, many of His disciples departed to the back and no longer walked with Him" (Berean Literal Bible). I am so grateful to Apostle John, for recording this which has been a tremendous inspiration to me when some sheep decided to walk no longer with my church (or me). It is indeed a point of hurt and pain but we must make every effort not to react but respond as many of us tend to react to them which adds insult to the injury. Jesus always responded to such situations and gave every person the freedom of choice. The rich young man, Judas et al. Can we the hurting shepherds have the courage to do the same?

Remember, when the disciples tried to stop a person who was performing miracles in Jesus' name, He said: "Do not stop him no one who performs a miracle in My name can turn around and speak evil of Me". If we have no grounds to see the other as a person working against Christ we must have the humility to accept that he too is called by the Lord. In the same spirit, we must approach the pastor who has taken my sheep to sort out our difference – easier said than done. Therefore, we pastors must remember to be gracious and tactful towards each other in the sheep losing scenario.

Writing from my personal experiences of facing sheep losing, I have done my best to approach the sheep who do not want to walk with us anymore. Some were ready to talk and say straight to my face why they were leaving and why they were not willing to reconsider their decision. In such situations, I have written a letter to the new Shepherd handing over the pastoral care of that family – not the membership, because for that there is another administrative procedure. Some of the letters written to the other pastors were replied to or acknowledged which made things more peaceful, while some were ignored. Two years ago when there was turmoil in a church due to heretical teachings, some who had gone away from our churches were wanting to return and my instructions were very clear – "Receive them with open arms"

Those who have taken away the sheep of another fold have to understand the pain in the heart of the shepherd/church that lost the sheep. In Sri Lanka, this is a major issue that has caused disunity in the body of Christ. I am very pleased to see denominations coming together for prayer vigils for the nation. But I am afraid that the wound of sheep-stealing has not been touched in all united activities we have. No one has dared to openly express and share their hurt, make an open confession on sheep-stealing, give and receive forgiveness which is a dire need for unity among the denominations. The question is who will take this bold step?

The time is right for all denominations to keep away from the arrogance of thinking that "my church is the only church that offers a total and complete package". We are different parts of the same body. The total package is found only in the total body of Christ and not in the large or small parts separately.

Rev. Asiri P Perera
December 10, 2021


  1. Don't blame the "thief" when the shepherds are asleep leaving the door wide open. Sheep only hear his snoring not his voice. Shepherds are more concerned about their own welfare and not about caring for the sheep. So it's not the Sheep Stealing Syndrome. It's the SHEPHERD SLEEPING SYNDROME!

    Lasantha T

  2. Super article very appropriate.
    There are some magicians who steal sheep too 😊

    A. Fernando

  3. Yes right Rev.!
    some of us only protect shepherds not sheep! So the sheep are taken by other shepherds.......
    J.K. PARK


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