Rev. Dr W.G. Wickremasinghe a beloved Principal and a Mentor In January I968, I experienced my first transition of Schools from Richmond College, Galle to a leading Government School in Negombo. Sadly many factors made me and my brother feel that it was not the right school having come out of Richmond, which had very high standards of Education and Discipline. My father in realizing our dissatisfaction decided to look for another school. One afternoon when we returned home from school, our father related to us a meeting he has had in the morning with one of his ministerial Friends, Rev. Dr. W.G. Wickremasinghe. I still remember the words of my father to my mother -"Willie said bring the boys to Carey". That is the first time I heard of Carey College and Willie Wickremasinghe, two names I will treasure till I breathe my last. 20th of March marked the 13th anniversary of my beloved Principal's call to his Eternal Home and I am inspired to write this eulogy with thanks...