The King Makers

The tale of Sayyid Brothers

During the 18th century Mughal Empire Sayyid Abdullah Khan and Sayyid Husain Ali Khan Barha, popularly known as  Sayyid brothers, played a key role as King Makers. They were responsible for establishing Farrukh Siyar as the emperor of the Mughal Empire in India. At the death of Farrukh Siyar, the Sayyid Brothers successfully placed Rafi-Ud-Darajat, on the throne on 28th February 1719. The two brothers controlled the administration and activities of Rafi-Ud-Darajat. and made him a puppet. With his demise due to tuberculosis within four months from his enthronement, the Sayyid brothers made their move to enthrone Shah Jahan II. Their attempt to rule through the medium of an imperial puppet failed. Emperor Shah refused to be controlled by them. Alas, the Sayyid brothers were wiped out from the earth. The two "King Makers" lasted only a short span of 7 years in their King making business.


This story has made me reflect on the "Kingmaking" business that goes on in our country and also in the Christian Church. In the recent turn of events in Sri Lanka, we have seen and heard certain segments of our society very boldly claiming that they were the "King Makers" of the present Government.

What about the Church? Yes, the church too seems to be having "kingmakers" and I would say in plenty. Often I wonder whether we have too many of them which cause other problems. Some of the "king making" alliances in the church under the labels of "Evangelicals, Liberals, Conservatives, Sabahava rakaganimay viyapara (Church protecting movements)" have turned out to be "King Makers" in bringing individuals into Leadership. It is a known fact that such groupings have caused much harm than good to the church. Ugly forms of canvassing, mudslinging campaigns including anonymous letters have put the church Congregations into very painful experiences of divisiveness in the Church.

A tale of two modern "King Makers"

A certain person who was holding a responsible position in a church was approached by two people and sought a favour that was not reasonable. When the person in office refused to grant the favour, the two "Kingmakers" have said "remember we are the people who brought you to this position. If you can't grant us our request, we have the powers to remove you." "Kingmakers" can turn out to be very treacherous who will make their "Kings" be puppets on a string like the Sayyed brothers. This paints a very negative depiction of "King Making" both in the Church and in the country. Because of such "king Makers," those in positions of Leadership have avoided making decisions that are so necessary for the common good of all. Those who sought to get into the seats of power and leadership through the interventions of "King Makers" have finally found themselves been pushed to very unpleasant tight corners by the "King Makers".  The Kings and leaders have regretfully realized how foolishly they have played into the hands of "King Makers", who will have "kings" as subjects to their powers. There are also "King Makers" who make deals with Kings so that they could also get into seats of power they desire.

Is King making something bad?

Turning through the pages of Scripture we can discover the positive side of King Making business. It becomes positive because of God's involvement from the divine perspective, including the political process both in the world and in the church. He meddles in the affairs of mankind in appointing rulers. Ultimately, it is God "who changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings" (Daniel 2:21a), for "the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whom He wishes and sets over it the lowliest of men" (Daniel 4:17). "God controls the process of selecting a leader, whether that process is by family descent or democratic vote."

King Makers have a sacred task to perform

The Church has to act in a sacred manner when making leaders ("kings"). Conclaves, Synods, Conferences are God-ordained "King Makers" legitimate bodies. Such gatherings are called by God to be on their knees seeking discernment from God to bring in the right kind of persons to leadership. But sadly what we see happening today is contrary. Manipulations, Lobbying and campaigning in a very ugly and horrible manner. Such things are unfit for the body of Christ but have become almost the norm which is not at all an example to the world. When such wrongful activity is pointed out, the "King Makers" get highly agitated and do their best to get rid of those who oppose them.

The modern-day church has so much to learn from God and the Scriptures when engaging itself in the King Making business. Does the modern Church emulate the following when electing its leaders? But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

We need good kingmakers

The Church and Church-related institutes need King Makers. The issue is what is it that "King Makers" want to achieve through their Kingmaking. Most of the "King Makers" seek to achieve their personal agendas through the "King" they have enthroned. Like the two sons of Zebedee, they seek the two left & right chairs for themselves to get special privileges. They promote and campaign for a "King" whose track record is not straight in terms of money morals and integrity so that they could carry on their despicable activities.

The "King Makers" in the mind of God are people who desire the common edification of the nation and the Church. They are in fact community builders through their King Making business. Their joy would be to see the appointment of someone into a position of leadership as chosen by God whose priority will be to go after God's heart.



Rev. Asiri P. Perera

February 20, 2021



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