New Normalcy in Sri Lanka for whose benefit?

Sri Lanka is now seriously working on restarting the Country since 26th May after having had a lockdown for just a few more days beyond 2 months. We have heard various voices from all segments of the society expressing what they feel about it. When it comes to restarting the entire country, I believe that every right-thinking person would agree that the recovery process cannot be delayed any further as Covid 19 has taken a heavy toll on our Economy and the national life. However we have also heard voices that have expressed their serious doubts of the decision to open up the country so soon. The main complaint is that the Government is wanting to hold the Parliamentary Election ignoring the Covid 19 risks that straightaway involves the General Public. Instead of sitting down together by all the political parties to come to a consensus of opinion on the holding of Parliamentary Election, they have pulled in different directions pushing the General Public to be more and more confused. The situation has worsened during the last few weeks when every Tom Dick and Harry have become the interpreters of the Constitution through their politically coloured glasses. Irresponsible Media has also begun to use their platforms to make scathing attacks on the members of the National Election Commission, attempting to make the public have a bad taste on the Independent Commissions on the whole which are so essential in Sri Lanka. We have had a past where the country’s public administration suffered due to the various types of intimidations from the executive or the powers that be. Over a period of time a trend had developed to appoint political stooges to high public offices, whom the rulers were sure of being loyal to them and would not upset the apple cart. Very sadly we could see many “jumping in to the bandwagon” of believing everything that is said against those holding office in independent commissions.
In the above-mentioned backdrop, the spot light has now been shifted to the Director General of Health Services (DGHS) who is the Competent Authority under the Quarantine Act. I strongly sense that there is pressure mounted on him to echo the voice of those who are for or against the holding of the Parliamentary Election in a nation that is struggling to conquer Covid 19. On Sunday 24th May, I watched the IRIDA AYUBOWAN programme  at which the DGHS Dr. Anil Jasinghe came out very strongly in no uncertain terms appealing to the politicians and the people of this country not to put public servants like him in to the political baskets of different parties. The DGHS explained that the Secretary to H.E the President, had written to him asking for his opinion as the DGHS, on “Can the election process go on?” Dr. Jasinghe emphatically said “Not when the Elcection could be held”. Accordingly the DGHS’s reply had contained the following which Dr. Jasinghe mentioned at the said Rupavahini programme:
·       “Yes the election process can go on”. According to Dr. Jasinghe that’s all he could say within his jurisdiction as the DGHS who is the authorized authority under the Quarantine act.
·       He had said so “not because we have successfully completed the task of controlling or eradicating Covid 19.”
·       “If we continue to maintain the present standard of controlling Covid 19, we can control it with great success, which would be far better than the rich and powerful countries”
·       “There is no medication or vaccine found up till now. Therefore, while we control, we also run the risk of repeated waves of Covid 19”
·        “The most powerful weapon that we have used thus far which no other country has used is the QUARANTINE ACT which the white man gave us.”
·       “Yes I have said that the election process can go on, but If we weaken the QUARANTINE ACT by misusing the new normalcy that we are introducing  and Covid 19 raises its head again in 3 weeks’ time, we will have to stop not only the election but everything else.”
 I wonder how disappointing it would have been for DGHS and other health authorities to see the violation of NEW NORMAL RULES at the Parliamentary Premises when the remains of the late A. Thondaman was brought for the former Parliamentarians to pay their respects. Surely was there no one to remind the Hon. Prime Minister  and the former Speaker the Covid 19 Social distancing that should be followed? Did the Parliamentary Officials think that the New Normal rules do not have to be adhered to as the gathering was with the members of the Dissolved Parliament?
I am beginning to feel very strongly that what ever happens to the public with Covid 19 does not bother the Politicians as they know that they can get what they want either by “hook or crook”. Whether it be an Election, Public event or any other event where the involvement of the “Powers that be” is there, they will want to have the Law or even the Quarantine Act bent to suit their political interest and not the Public Interest. Are we going to watch this game, which will make our faithful Public Servants feel that their work is a fruitless exercise?
As responsible Citizens of this country let us cry “Halt!” and tell the politicians how and what we feel!

Rev. Asiri P. Perera
President Bishop
Methodist Church Sri Lanka                                                               May 31, 2020


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