The Faith Entrusted

Faith Entrusted to us
The faith of a Christian is not his or her own invention. It is a faith that has been passed on to him or her by someone. If it is so, let me ask you to check whether you are now ready to pass on the same faith to some one else? May be to your future generations and to others who are around you in the present day.
Before we begin to initiate the passing on of our faith, there is a litmus test that needs to be done. We need to check whether we are rooted in the faith as described in the Holy Scriptures or rooted in a faith some preacher or a so-called modern-day prophet is introducing to us which could be a faith based on a false doctrine.
The term “Doctrine” sounds heavy and unpalatable for some Christians. I have heard people saying “I am not bothered about doctrine. All I have is simple faith in Christ Jesus and that is enough”. Faith is faith whether it is simple or profound. According to Christ’s own teaching “faith of a mustard seed” is what is required to move a mountain. But what is the teaching behind that “mustard seed faith”? What does that faith do to the one who expresses that faith? Is that faith required only to get what you want from God? 
The basic meaning of the term doctrine is “teaching.” For every set of beliefs introduced to us by someone comes through teaching. Doctrine, therefore, encompasses the substance of what is taught. St Paul in writing to his beloved young disciple Timothy stated “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” 2 Timothy 1:14. Paul was encouraging Timothy to consider the faith that had been taught (passed on) to him by Paul as a deposit, a treasure that had been entrusted to him which should never be miss handled. This deposit came to his hands through sound teaching given by Paul which should be kept as a pattern (2 Timothy 1: 13,14) What Paul meant was when Timothy was passing on the faith to others, through teaching, the same standard should be faithfully maintained. Timothy should not try to dilute it, make any additions or deletions to it. Therefore when talking about passing our faith to others we must ensure that we maintain what Paul has said to Timothy – Pass on sound teaching which has already been safely deposited in you.
With the appearance of so called prophets, angels and preachers, we need to watch and examine more closely what they teach, without getting carried away by the miracles and works of wonder they perform. I am strongly convinced that their teachings are completely weird which is not kept in the pattern and standard of the faith that has been passed on to us by the Apostles of the first Christian community.

Rev. Asiri P. Perera
March 1st 2020


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