THE CALL TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX At school, I learnt about a frog leader and his frog community who lived in a well and could not fathom that there is a world outside the well. When another frog from outside told the frog community in the well about the wonder of the world outside the well, all except the frog leader, got ou...
Showing posts from November, 2021
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HONESTY IS THE ROADWAY TO RECONCILIATION AND HEALING How many symposiums and conferences have been held on reconciliation and healing with no results produced? How many religious services have been conducted, sermons preached on reconciliation and healing without any positive improvements and changes for the better being found? Did any of us who have been involved in such exercises have had the guts to re-examine, raise self-searching questions with honesty to find the reasons for the failures? The trend is developing to look for the scapegoat on whom the blame could be laid so that I will not have to take responsibility. No wonder, that the world is not experiencing reconciliation and healing as the very fabric of honesty has gone missing in the very places that are meant to bring reconciliation and healing. Recently, the President of our Country H.E Gotabaya Rajapakshe said at a state function “We ha...