
Showing posts from October, 2020

"The Great Refusal of Moses"

  “The Great Refusal” of Moses   How important it is for you to know who you are? Do you allow others to decide who you are and then try to fit into their frame? In allowing so have you come to finally discover that it gives no good yield? An individual’s self-identity plays an important role in his or her character-building process. Here is an example from the life of Moses, which I believe will challenge you! ‘Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter’ (Hebrews 11;24) Moses was born a Hebrew, but he was raised as an Egyptian by Pharaoh’s daughter. He owed so much to the Egyptian Pharos for saving his life from death and preserving him to become the second in command in Pharaoh’s Kingdom. “The great refusal” Moses made as written in the book of Hebrews, deprived him of the treasures and wealth of the Pharaohs’. It also earned him Pharaoh’s wrath. A lot of people fall into such situations where they have to be the person that other...
A Christian response to the 20th Amendment Sri Lanka politics is now faced with a crucial decision making moment with the 20 th Amendment to the Constitution. Arguments are presented in a very convincing manner from both sides, while the General public are battling a war against Covid 19, 2 nd or 3 rd wave. Since the Independence gained in 1948, Sri lanka has passed through troubled waters.  However every successive Governments has come in to power through election with the promise of delivering a better nation in contrast to the previous regimes. The reality that we all face today is, no matter what slogans attracted the voter before the election, the Government Machinery is stubbornly refusing to move in the expected speed to deliver the goods. Because of this reality, many have been saying there should be a strong leader who will take decisions in a decisive manner without giving in to pressure tactics from various quarters who have vested interest and personal agendas. One...