
Showing posts from April, 2020

Accountability has to be the Hallmark of good Governance in Sri Lanka

Accountability has to be the Hallmark of good Governance in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka has been placed on the world map ones again for the commendable way, in managing and containing the Covid – 19 pandemic since March 2020. The fact that we have been able to limit deaths to seven (at the time of writing this) is remarkable in comparison to some of the Western Super Powers who seem to have “missed the bus”. The high morale found with Sri Lankan people in this crisis has undeniably brought blessings in disguise such as: ·        Rediscovering the value of traditional medicines that could go hand in hand with western medicine to combat Covid - 19 ·        Innovative Sri Lankan minds producing hi-tech equipment which supports the medical interventions to combat Covid -19 These accomplishments must be recognized by all Sri Lankans and feel honored of the sons and daughters of our mother land. At the same time our prayers...

At his death did Jesus go in to hell?

“He descended in to hell” (Apostles Creed) Did Jesus really go to hell at his death on Good Friday?  The Apostles' Creed, which guides our Christian beliefs state that Jesus, "was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead." This statement of Faith affirms that Jesus "descended into hell" which would have taken place between His crucifixion and resurrection. How do we understand or interpret the word “hell” with the help of the Holy Scriptures? The Holy Scriptures do speak about a place which is allotted for the dead. Accordingly, there are two Greek words used in the Scriptures:        “The first is Gehenna ("hell"), the place of post-resurrection torment (judgment), refers strictly to the everlasting abode of the unredeemed where they experience divine judgment in their individual resurrection-bodies.” It is a place of no return. The person is abandoned for ever.   Therefore this wor...

The Human Struggles of Jesus while being fully God

The Human Struggles of Jesus while being fully God (A reflection on the Gethsemane experience of Jesus) As we pass through the Holy Week remembering the sufferings, death and the resurrection of our Lord, I share this reflection to highlight the importance of believing that Jesus was fully human while he was fully God. In the first few centuries after the birth of the Christian Church there were many debates on the deity and the humanity of Jesus Christ. Those who first met him face to face knew him as a human being who was their Rabbi. But as time went on in the life and ministry of Jesus, those who were very close to him began to discover that Jesus was more than a human Rabbi. In Mark 4:14 The disciples who were absolutely terrified at the calming of the storm by Jesus in the sea of Galilee asked, “Who is this man? Even the wind and waves obey him!” –   The disciples who knew Jesus the man, discovered that he was more than man. The first generation of Chr...